FMR Global Research

Case Study


Our diabetes research services focus on exploring the complexities of managing diabetes treatments, from insulin therapies to novel oral agents. We provide clients with a clear understanding of patient profiles, treatment efficacy, and competitive positioning in the diabetes market. Our insights help clients optimize their diabetes portfolios, addressing both clinical needs and patient expectations effectively.

Exploratory of solutions that favor collaboration between HCPs treating patients with diabetes

Objective of the Study

Provide solutions / actions that enhance collaboration between GPs and Diabetologist and increase early access to the new offer, this project should bring solutions / actions that may favor the collaboration between GPs and Diabetologist.





Two-phase approach:

Phase I: Creative workshops with GPs and diabetologist to generate ideas.

Phase II: Mixed workshops (with both GPs and diabetologist) and separate one with other specialities involved in the management of diabetes patients, in order to test the ideas generated in Phase I.


GPs & Diabetologists.

Other specialties were also interviewed in order to identify interesting examples of ideas used in other therapeutic areas and which successfully enhanced collaboration between HCPs.

LOI = 120 minutes


Provided understanding of the role of GPs and Diabs and their interaction when managing patients with diabetes.

Determined how GPs and Diabs collaborate in daily practice: means used / preferred / disliked, etc..).

Identified and quantified patients that are eligible to the new offer and discussed ideas and approaches (prompted and unprompted) that could be implemented by both targets to increase early access to the future offer: strengths and weaknesses.

Evaluated the extent to which both targets are interested in ideas pertaining to conventional and advanced techniques.


Provided concrete recommendations on what actions / solutions to set up in priority in order to

(1) enhance collaboration between GPs and Diabs;
(2) help achieve a patient centric approach; and
(3) increase early access to the new offer.


ATU Tracker in Diabetes (iSGLT2 class)

Objective of the Study

Measure the impact of a premarketing campaign for a new treatment X indicated for Type II Diabetes.



2 waves of Mix mode questionnaires (telephone with online assistance). 1 wave every 6 months




Wave I: 22 Diabetologists, national spread.

Wave II: 25 Diabetologists, national spread


Diabetologists (Diab), the majority practice in hospital settings.

LOI = 25 minutes


Measured the evolution in awareness of diabetes guidelines.

Identified the main attributes that the new product X needs to focus on.

Measured the evolution of awareness and impact on prescriptions of product X and its future competitors.

Determined perceived benefits and selection criteria of product X in comparison with its future competitors.


  • Measured and tracked evolution of KPIs.
  • Provided concrete recommendations to narrow the gap between the client’s expectations and Diabs perceptions with regard to premarketing campaign related to the new product X. Highlighted areas and arguments that the client’s reps should focus on more.

FMR Global Health is the health research arm of FMR Global Research